The sea urchin embryo as a model for studying efflux transporters: genomics, roles and energy cost of this protection system Marine Environmental Research Aug 24 Written By Admin Epel, D., Cole, B., Hamdoun A. and Vega, R.L. (2006). The sea urchin embryo as a model for studying efflux transporters: genomics, roles and energy cost of this protection system. Marine Environmental Research, 62, S1-S4. PMID: 16740304. (Link) urchinembryomodeleffluxtransportersgenomicsenergycostprotectiondefensepurpuratussea urchinsystem2016epelcolehamdounvega Admin
The sea urchin embryo as a model for studying efflux transporters: genomics, roles and energy cost of this protection system Marine Environmental Research Aug 24 Written By Admin Epel, D., Cole, B., Hamdoun A. and Vega, R.L. (2006). The sea urchin embryo as a model for studying efflux transporters: genomics, roles and energy cost of this protection system. Marine Environmental Research, 62, S1-S4. PMID: 16740304. (Link) urchinembryomodeleffluxtransportersgenomicsenergycostprotectiondefensepurpuratussea urchinsystem2016epelcolehamdounvega Admin